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  • I created a system for learning anything

I created a system for learning anything

đź’§ The DRIIP Method - How to Learn Any Skill

It's no secret:

The people who go the furthest in life are the ones who relentlessly self-educate.

Jobs, Gates, Musk... I can go on and on.

But there's a catch:

Knowledge is only useful when you take action on it.

It's not enough to simply watch YouTube videos all day... you must execute on your learnings.

In fact, I'd argue the more important trait these legends had in common was how well they executed their visions.

And as a Value Creator - the greatest skill you can develop is turning knowledge into results.

So... what's the best way to turn knowledge into results?

Follow the DRIIP Method

D - Define your goal

R - Research to fill gaps in knowledgeI - Imitate the greatsI - Implement to gain experienceP - Publish to teach/solidify learnings

Let's break it down! ↓

Define… your goal

In any journey, the 1st step is to define your goal.

Why are you choosing to learn this topic/skill?

With a clear north star - you can guide your learning in the direction that’s most beneficial to achieving your goal.

And because let’s be honest… getting good at anything takes WORK!

If you don’t have a clear reason why you’re choosing to put time, effort, and sacrifice into mastering something - then it’ll be 10x more difficult.

Ex: I want to master the art of written communication so I can build a profitable online business.

Research… to fill gaps

Next? Write down what you know about your topic/skill.

  • I know how to use proper grammar (kinda)

  • I know about the basics of human psychology

  • I know that there’s this thing called copywriting

Then? Research and fill in the gaps.

  • Watch YouTube videos

  • Listen to podcasts

  • Read blog posts

  • Read books

  • Tweets

As Naval Ravikant said, “Free education is abundant, all over the Internet. It's the desire to learn that's scarce.”

Tip: Choose 1-2 pieces of content to consume then move on to the next step. (Don’t get stuck in the productive procrastination loop)

Imitate... the greats

How does a chef learn to cook? Practice.

But with who's recipes? Other people's recipes.

Over and over we see a common theme in high achievers...

They didn't get there by themselves.

They imitated those before them, then created something of their own.

As Isaac Newton once said:"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

Imitation isn't just the greatest form of flattery, it's also the greatest form of learning.

As David Perell said, "Imitate, then innovate."

(In fact, The DRIIP Method was built off of ideas from Richard Feynman, Dan Koe, and Elon Musk). Onward.

Implement… to gain experience

Now it’s time to put what you learned into action.

This is where most of your learning will occur.

Build meaningful projects:

  • Grow your personal brand

  • Freelance work to hone your skills

  • Do breakdowns of successful people in your niche

Why? Because knowledge + experience + reflection = wisdom.

After you’ve got some experience under your belt and maybe even a few stories - it’s time to share what you learn.

Publish… to solidify learning

They say "the best way to learn is to teach"… and they’re not wrong.

The absolute best way to learn is to:

  1. Summarize what you learned

  2. Synthesize it into a clear stream of thought

  3. Share it with the world

  4. Get feedback

  5. Iterate

A few ways you can publish your learnings with others:

  • Write a blog post about a problem you solved

  • Record a video summarizing what you learned

  • FaceTime a friend and share your insights

Obviously, I'm slightly biased. But I genuinely believe the best way to master a skill is to write online.

Why? Because writing is synthesizing. Writing is solving problems. Writing is testing your ideas and getting feedback.

Take this newsletter for example:

1) I had an idea (The DRIIP Method)

2) I tweeted it to get feedback

3) It got enough positive feedback that I decided to expand further

And now here we are...

Each step of the way, I've learned more and more about the idea AND myself.

And that's the power of writing online.

Writing online is the best way to improve yourself...

• Find your “tribe”• Learn how to write• Build digital leverage• Solve meaningful problems• Accelerate your future career

Writing online is how you turn knowledge into results.

And as a Value Creator, you're in the business of transformation.

"The more value you create, the more valuable you become." - Kieran Drew

So... close this email. Go learn something new. Then relentlessly execute on your newfound knowledge.

You got this! 🤝

Jay "Follow the DRIPP" Yang

P.S. One of the most valuable skills you can learn? Copywriting. AKA the art of making people do what you want them to do through the written word.

If you wanna learn more about copywriting... I just published a thread earlier this week.

You can check it out here:

P.P.S. Another great resource to learn the art of the written word? The Writer's Way. Every week, my good friend Claudia shares one actionable tip on how to improve your writing. (And guess what? She's only 14!?!? 🤯)

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