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Jay's April Recap
5 things I learned in April

2024 is just flying by, isn’t it? I swear it was just New Year’s Eve the other week and now here we are almost in May.
They say time flies by when you’re having fun… well, April was a blast!
5 things I learned in April:
1) You can do anything, but not everything
I have a tendency to try to fit everything into my limited time.
I want to grow the business, create content, run, lift weights, read, hang out with friends, hop on Zoom calls with strangers, and maximize every bit of my life.
But I’m slowly learning that it’s impossible to do all of those things at the same time - and do them well. Being a “strategic thinker” is simply a fancy way of saying someone who prioritizes well.
They know what they want - and allocate their time, energy, and attention accordingly.
A quote I remind myself of when I find myself doing too much:
"If you don't sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice."
2) Confidence comes from evidence
I’ve always been camera-shy.
I have no problem with public speaking or walking up to strangers - but something about that beady black lens leering back at me gives me the heebie-jeebies.
So this past month, I decided to do something about it. I started a daily vlog challenge on Instagram. Every day, I turn the camera on and share my thoughts, beliefs, and learnings.
So far it’s been 25 days… and guess what?
The internal friction I feel before I record is much lower. I’m not perfect, and I’m still a long ways to go from where I want to be.
But every day I record and publish a video, I stack another piece of evidence that I am someone who is camera-confident.
Self-confidence is earned, not given.
3) Everything is more fun with people
I love being alone.
That’s weird to say out loud, but there’s a difference between being alone and being lonely. I have no problem with going for a walk, eating a meal, or sitting quietly in my room alone.
My contrarian take is that more people need to learn how to be comfortable being alone. But that’s for another day.
What I’ve learned this past month is that you can do everything you want alone, but you don’t have to. Life is more fun with people.
This past month, I’ve been going to the gym with a close friend - and lemme tell ya, it’s a game-changer. My workouts are more intense. My energy level is higher. And the mood is SO much better.
If you’re training for a goal or going to an event, invite a friend. I promise you won’t regret it.
4) Knowledge blindness is real
Ever since my basketball coach said, “If you’re the best player in the gym, you’re in the wrong gym.” I’ve made it a habit to surround myself with people who are older and more experienced than I am.
That simple habit has served me well.
But what I’m also learning is how important it is to surround yourself with people 1-2 steps behind you.
Since starting my daily vlog challenge, I had several classmates reach out for advice on their business journeys. It made me realize how much I’ve learned these past few years about career and business.
It’s easy to forget how much you’ve learned. Don’t discount your experience.
5) Understand the beauty of enough
For the past four years, I’ve been on an obsessive quest to become a multi-dimensionally jacked human being.
To have a big business, to be in great shape, and to have loving relationships.
And now, I’m about to graduate high school, and as crazy as it may seem, I’ve achieved many of the goals my freshmen year self set out to achieve.
I’m consistently making over five figures a month
I’m more present in my relationships
I’m the strongest I’ve ever been
But even though I am my most “abundant” self — I still know deep down inside that I’m not even close to my full potential.
And the more I think about it, the more I realize that you never truly “make it” because the goalposts just keep moving with you.
So rather than focusing on trying to “make it”, I think we should focus on how we can both fully appreciate our progress and keep our ambitions for the future.
I haven’t solved this problem of this desire for more, and I’m not sure if I ever will.
But there’s this quote from Sahil Bloom that i remind myself of when I feel unsatisfied with where I’m at:
“Never let your quest for more distract you from the beauty of enough.”
See you next Sunday,
Jay “Grateful For Another Incredible Month” Yang
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