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The Most Powerful Emotion a Writer Can Evoke…

How to Cast Spells on Your Reader

Did I get ya?

I mean… the fact that you’re reading this means I got ya.

“What the heck are you talking about, Jay?”

I’m talking about the spell I just cast on you.

The spell that got you to read my subject line, click on this email, and continue to read what I’m writing right now.

This spell makes you slowly read down this page to read more.

Not because you’re forced to, but because you want to. You’re intrigued.

Luckily for you, I won’t make you give me all your money.

I’m not an evil wizard… I’m a good wizard :)

So… what’s this magical spell that I’ve cast on you?


The most powerful emotion you can make your readers feel.

Curiosity drives kids to explore the “Danger, no trespassing” zones.

It drives you to read this newsletter.

And it drives explorers and adventurers like George Mallory to climb Mount Everest because as he famously answered… “Because it’s there.”

Are you catching what I’m throwing?

Good. But, how do you evoke this magical feeling of curiosity?

That’s a great question. And the answer is surprisingly simple…

Use what Joe Sugarman calls, “Harmonizing”.

What’s that, you ask? It’s what I just did right there.

I’m empathizing with you as the reader, then anticipating what you may be thinking while reading this to put you in the ideal environment to receive my message.

Deep stuff, haha.

But really, it’s not that hard. Just pretend you’re trying to explain a math problem to a friend...

As you begin to explain the problem, your friend’s eyebrows start to raise.

Then you say: “Confused? Let me put it this way… etc.”

Then your friend starts to nod, so you say:

“You with me?” she nods, “Sweet. Then, let me keep going.”

Now you’re both on the same page, and she feels a lot better.

Is this kinda making sense? I hope I’m not confusing you.

But you know what? Instead of me explaining “harmonizing” to you, let me give YOU a quick homework assignment (Don’t worry, it won’t take long).

Scroll back up to the top of this email and try to notice all the harmonizers sprinkled throughout (there’s a lot).

Go ahead and try it.

Now, I may have gone a little overboard with the harmonizers - but hopefully, you get the point I was trying to make.

Talk soon,Jay

P.S. An easy way to harmonize with your reader is to use Micro-Commitments. Learn how to use them here.

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